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We are a Christian parish in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. We invite you to join our community.

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In cooperation with the mission partners of Church of the Redeemer, there are many opportunities throughout the year for teens (and adults!) to show God’s love to our local and extended community.

Church Service League

    The Church Service League (CSL) was founded in 1922 "to unite the women of the Church of the Redeemer parish in a program of worship, study, service and fellowship which will deepen and strengthen their own spiritual lives and lead them into service for the Church of the parish, and community, and diocese, the nation and the world," a quote from its original charter. Today, the CSL continues to be a vibrant part of our parish.

    The League is best known for organizing the largest annual fundraising and fellowship event of the year, the Christmas Market and the Christmas Market Dinner and Auction. The Christmas Market and accompanying auction are the sole funding source for the Outreach Committee. In addition, the CSL organizes much of the parish hospitality and inreach activities throughout the year.

    helping hands

    Helping Hands

      The Helping Hands committee is a pastoral care ministry. It provides organizational leadership and a ready set of people to call upon to provide care. Both men and women participate on the committee.

      REACH OUT is a group of Helping Hands volunteers that has been making phone calls since March 2020 to all Redeemer parishioners to make a connection during COVID 19 and this period of isolation.  Click here to learn more and volunteer.  

      A care chain is set up and either meals are provided, or a support system is established. The goal of the committee is to reach out and visible for all members of the parish. We work as a team and are always looking for new members who would like to be involved. We are confidential and always ready to help in a loving way.


      Altar Guild

      Altar Guild members are behind-the-scenes service assistants, committed to the ministry of preparing and adorning the altars and church for our worship services which are the heart of our parish life.

      The changing vestments (clergy robes) and altar hangings remind us of the progression of seasons in the Christian calendar, and highlight special services throughout the year. The Altar Guild is responsible for the care of all the altars including the altar linens, vessels for communion and the vestments of the clergy and flower arranging.

      Acolytes and Crucifers

      Typically in the 5 - 7th grade, acolytes light and extinguish the candles at the beginning and end of the 10:00 am service and carry the torches in procession. They also assist the clergy at the offertory with the offering plates and the elements (the bread and wine) as well as at Communion with the opening and closing of the altar rail gates.

      Typically in the eighth grade or older, servers wear a white alb and cincture (rope belt) and carry the processional cross. They lead the Gospel procession, collect the offering plates in the alms basin and assist at Communion by replenishing the chalices from the flagon of wine if needed.


      Two lay lectors are assigned each week to read the appointed lessons for the day from the Old Testament and the New Testament. Lectors do not vest, and they are seated among the congregation. At the time of the reading, they come forward to the lectern, announce the lesson and deliver the message in a way that the Word of God may be heard and understood by the people.

      Ushers & Lectors

      Ushers have an important role in the life of the Church of the Redeemer as greeters, offertory assistants, and guides. Their most important duty is to bid a warm welcome to those coming to the Church of the Redeemer, especially newcomers. An usher is often the first person a newcomer meets, and therefore it is especially important to be interested, helpful, and caring.

      The basic duties of the usher include greeting people before the service at the two main entrances, providing people with leaflets and assisting them with seating, taking up the collection at the Offertory, and releasing people in the pews to go up to the altar for Communion.

      Lay Eucharistic Ministers

      As Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs), adult parishioners assist the clergy by reading the Prayers of the People and helping administer communion. LEMs serve in pairs and are vested in black cassocks and white surplices. One LEM is assigned to lead the Prayers of the People from the lectern while the other assists the priests with the preparation of the Communion table. Both LEMs assist at communion by administering the chalice (the cup of wine).

      LEMs serve at the pleasure of the Rector and must be licensed for their ministry by the bishop of the diocese, which can be easily arranged through the Redeemer. 

      Strategic Ministries

      Church of the Redeemer relies on its Strategic Ministry volunteers to guide the church on a number of important efforts.  These include:

        • FUEL Advisory Committee
        • Global Outreach Advisory Committee
        • Homelessness Advisory Committee
        • Stewardship Committee
        • Strategic Ministries Committee
        • Sunday School Committee
        • Youth & Education Advisory Committee

      Church of the Redeemer logo

      379 Hammond Street
      Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
      PHONE:  617-566-7679
      FAX:  617-566-6678
      OFFICE: 8:30-4:30 pm M-F | SUMMER:  9:00-3:00 pm M-Th

      Stay in touch and see what we are doing at Redeemer!

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