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A Word from the Rector: A Farewell

May 20, 2024 11:35 AM | Barbara MacDonald (Administrator)

Dear Redeemer Faithful,

About four years or so ago, I attended a diocesan support group for rectors who had hired recently ordained clergy. The group was led by a plucky, wise, and strong priest by the name of The Reverend Nancy Gossling. It was an almost immediate camaraderie, as we shared ministry philosophies, theological insights, and minority reports on many of the monolithic positions of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and the Episcopal Church. Nancy was instantly someone I both admired and enjoyed.

When the opportunity arose to invite a part-time clergy person to serve at the Redeemer three years ago, Rev. Nancy was the first person on my list. She had a sterling reputation for preaching and pastoral care, and her capacity as our Vestry retreat leader told me that she would work well with our strong minded but soft-hearted leadership. She was no shrinking violet, but she demonstrated a warmth and likeability that would serve her well. To my great joy, Rev. Nancy agreed to serve at the Redeemer, but she made it very clear that it would only be for one year. At the end of the year there was a good chance she would move on to other ministry opportunities. And so it went for three years!

Today, I write with the sad news that Rev. Nancy Gossling will be leaving our parish in August. Rev. Nancy’s last Sunday with us will be Sunday, August 4th as Sunday Associate. Between here and there, she will continue to serve as celebrant, preacher, Women’s Bible Study facilitator, and wonderful pastoral presence. However, she will be missed more than she will ever know. Nancy and her husband Paul have been a delight to this parish for these last three years, and I know they will be missed. We have been blessed by their presence, warmth and witness to Christ’s abiding love. Though Rev. Nancy is not moving into a new ministry directly, she has already begun discerning her next call into the wider Church. She assures me that she will not be a stranger, and that I should keep her on speed dial for supply clergy and guest preaching opportunities.

It is truly bittersweet to say farewell to my beloved sister in Christ. She has been (and will continue to be) a wise and faithful witness to Christ’s work in the Church and the world. I have asked Rev. Nancy to return for a farewell service during the month of September when we return from the travels and tales of our restful summers. As is custom upon the departure of a clergyperson from a parish, I invite you to join me in gathering a purse for Rev. Nancy. A purse is a collection of monies from individuals within the parish which will be gathered and given to Rev. Nancy upon her departure on Sunday, August 4th. The gift is not a gift to the Church, but one the Church will gather on her behalf and thus it is not tax deductible. I invite you to generously thank The Reverend Nancy Gossling for all she has done to strengthen our parish in our life in Christ.



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379 Hammond Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
PHONE:  617-566-7679
FAX:  617-566-6678
OFFICE: 8:30-4:30 pm M-F | SUMMER:  9:00-3:00 pm M-Th

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